I keep thinking I'm going to sit down and start writing here again.... so much has happened since the last post in January.
But what better event to get back into writing than

She's a 2010 Chrysler Town & Country Touring minivan. That's the title for "I AM NO LONGER COOL".
Sure we got an amazing deal on it, and my precious XTerra, Kronk, wasn't traded for as cheap as some thought he was.... but I still woke up this morning the owner of a certified Mom-mobile!!
I am fully aware of all the jokes that will commence... but you know what? When my hands are full of infant and toddler boys, and whatever else we leave the house for, and I can click a button and Bertha's doors magically open wide to throw in all my treasures, I will know that I made the "responsible" choice!
I would also like to show off her backside.... I felt like it was a little less "minivan" looking:

...maybe I'm just fooling myself.
either way, we are ready to be full on parents! Luke and his brother will have plenty of room, running errands will be easier, (
...blah, blah, blah..)
The only other thing getting me through is the fact that this is a TEMPORARY solution until we can afford a gas guzzling SUV that still fits all these BOYS that I'm having, apparently...
Let's see... what else has happened? Oh, that's right! My baby girl grew herself a pee-pee!

that's the latest view from the bottom up. Arrow pointing at the "new developments".
So after a whole lot of "Are you kidding me!!?!" and "WHAT are we going to name him!?!?" and Ryan has finally stopped jumping around like a giddy school girl.... I think we have adjusted to the idea of having 2 boys.
It wasn't so much that, as "
losing" the baby girl I had named and thought about and pretty much signed up for ballet already! But God had other plans. And I had to realize that he never
was a she. He's always been my son. And that's okay! I am so excited to see the friendship that will develop between my boys. And teaching them to be men of God and how to treat a lady!
Only real down side is THIS picture will be forever in my son's baby book as his official "baby shower":

HA!! It'll be good for his ego.
Those were the major milestones in the last few months. Other than a nasty spell of the flu, we've been holding up pretty well!
About 3 more weeks and we will meet this little one (who I THINK just might have an official name now! It's a miraculous act of God that Ryan and I have come to a decision......
unless it changes........) and Bertha will get a little bit fuller.

It's gonna be a good ride....